Monday 11 November 2013

Users of Accounting information (Stakeholders)

Why do Accounting
Accounting is done for various reasons , including letting people and organisations know:
·         If they are making a profit or a loss
·         What their business is worth
·         How much cash they have
·         How wealthy they are
·         How much they are owed
·         How much they owe someone else
·         Keeping a financial check on the things they do
·         Legal obligation to check tax liabilities
·         Helping control expenses
·         Obtaining loans

Possible users of accounting information include internal and external users.  Internal are those inside the business whilst external are outside: -
·         Managers – to assess performance, plan for the future, make decision and claim bonuses
·         Owner(s) of the business - to assess profitability and liquidity,
·         Employees – to assess job security or pay rises
·         A prospective buyer  - is business worth the price being asked
·         The bank – assess risk of any loan and interest rate
·         HMRC – to charge the correct amount of tax
·         Credit Supplier – to assess whether the firm has good enough liquidity to repay its debt to them
·         Customers – to check their orders placed will be received in due course

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