Friday 5 April 2013

Types of ownership of a business

A summary of some of the benefits and drawbacks of each of the more popular types of business ownership

Sole Trader
  • Quick Decision Making
  • Keep all profits
  • Total Control of all areas

  • Unlimited Liability (critically important!)
  • Lack of fresh ideas
  • Owner may need to know about all areas of the business
  • Harder to raise finance
  • May involve longer hours
  • May be harder to take holidays

  • Specialisation / Expertise – do not need to know about all areas of business – each partner could focus on areas of strength
  • Fresh ideas may mean better decisions
  • Easier to raise finance than sole trader
  • Leave others in charge
  • Easier to take holidays

  • Unlimited Liability (critically important!)- responsible for other peoples debts too!! Joint and several liability!
  • How to share the profits (although the profits may be larger than a sole trader!)
  • Less control over company
  • Slower decision making?
  • Can they work together?

Private Limited Company (Ltd)
  • Limited Liability (important)
  • Raising Finance is easier (due to reputation?)
  • Enhanced reputation with suppliers and banks?
  • Economies of scale
  • Loss of control for owners?  1 share = 1 vote (ordinary shares) so control may become diluted
  • Decision making may be slower – Meetings to organise
  • Sharing profits by paying shareholders dividends
  • Legal obligations (increase in paperwork needed)
  • Minimum share capital £50,000
  • Not on the stock exchange so not as easy to raise finance as Plc.
  • Harder to buy/sell shares as need to find buyer who the other shareholders are happy with
  • Decision making slower – Annual General Meetings & Emergency General Meetings will/may need organising
  • Need to appoint directors

Public Limited Company (PLC)
  • Raising large amounts of finance is easier
  • Company reputation may give economies of scale
  • Limited Liability

  • Decision making slower – Annual General Meetings & Emergency General Meetings will/may need organising
  • Need to appoint directors
  • Need to provide shareholder value (consider dividends and raising the share price) - divorce of ownership means a duty of care

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