Monday 8 April 2013

Budgeting definitions



FORECAST:  A prediction of the results of carrying on business over a future period of time, and of the position of the business at the end of that time if present and, as far as they are known, future conditions and trends are allowed to continue without management intervention.

BUDGET:       A statement in money terms of management’s plans for operating a business over a future period of time and their plans for the position of the business at the end of that time.

BUDGET:       A profit and loss account and balance sheet based upon the operating budgets. Often referred to as “forecast income statements and balance sheets”.

PERIODS:      The period for which a budget is prepared, commonly for one year, but it will depend upon the particular business.

CONTROL:    The use of budgets to monitor the performance of managers against their functional budgets. The system allows for the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results at frequent intervals so that corrective action may be taken when necessary. 

BUDGET:       Based upon the forecast demand for the goods. The forecast will be based upon market research, salesmen’s reports and other trade information sources. It will be expressed in sales volumes.

BUDGET:       This is a budget for the production of finished goods.

BUDGET:       This is a budget for the cash flow of a business. These are prepared on a cash and not accruals basis.

BUDGETS:     Budgets for the purchases of supplies of materials. The information needed will be compiled from production budgets.

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